Crowd sourced unit testing / CI

Unit testing has evolved a long way over the years, continuous integration services even more so. Few years back, when mentioning CI, Jenkins was the only reasonable choice someone would take. It was kind of easy to set up, depending on what one was planning to do with it.

State of gossiperl and some JavaScript Thrift goodies

The gossiperl project is growing. I had a great, productive, working Christmas break, implementing a number of client libraries for the message bus. In the last couple of weeks a number of client libraries for gossiperl have been released. The full list now includes:

Gossiperl gossip middleware in Erlang

Today I’ve released a project called gossiperl. Gossiperl is a language agnostic gossip middleware written in Erlang. The purpose of the project was purely research on gossip based systems, as well as, learning Erlang. Main intent was to create a common communication middleware enabled over gossip using a standard binary transport mechanism.

Apache Thrift via UDP in Erlang

A few months ago I have started learning Erlang, mostly for fun but it was right about time to jump on the functional bandwagon. The best way to learn a new language is to find an engaging project, in my case its been something what has been on my mind for quite a while: a cloud communication protocol / framework for distributed computing.

OpenStack Devstack up and running with Vagrant, in 12.5 minutes

I’d like to develop for OpenStack The eaiest way to start, is to use a project called devstack. Devstack is: A documented shell script to build complete OpenStack development environments. It looks promising. Unfortunately, the script is not as simple as what is claimed on the website:

Erflux, InfluxDB client for Erlang

It’s been already a month since I released erflux on github. Erflux is an Erlang client for InfluxDB HTTP protocol. Installation 1 2 3 4 {deps, [ {erflux, ".*", {git, "git://", {tag, "version-1"}}} }]} and run ./rebar get-deps Configuration Erflux allows configuring a number of parameters:

Apache Zookeeper authentication

The problem One of my Zookeeper clusters has to be available to everyone. But I want to make sure only specific known hosts are allowed to connect. The problem was, those known hosts are dynamic and I didn’t want any configuration for this component.

Git: chopping out part of the repo into a separate repo

I had to cut out cookbooks/nodejs from the develop into a separate repository and move develop to master. The problem is, there is a git repository called XYZ with the following structure: cookbooks nodejs ... mysql ... other_stuff ... and following branches:

Setting up knife ec2

I keep getting Fog::Compute::AWS::NotFound: The key pair ... does not exist error! How to solve this problem isn’t explained well enough anywhere. Install knife-ec2 first: sudo gem install knife-ec2 Then I added this to my knife.rb: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 # key name, as defined in EC2 Key Pairs, # this value has to be exactly the same as the one in the management console: knife[:aws_ssh_key_id] = "my-ec2-key" # AWS ID/SECRET: knife[:aws_access_key_id] = ".

DevOps box

{% include collecttags.html %} I was asked to build a box with all the monitoring tools required. Chef, Logstash, Ganglia and Monit were selected. Here’s a core dump. In this post I’m going to describe how to setup a box containing following elements: